

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at The Emmbrook School is a vital part of school life. All students will receive this as part of their learning here at the school. We are committed to providing the appropriate activities and experiences to enable students to make successful transitions from the start of Year 7, through Key Stages 4 and 5 and then on to further education, training programmes, apprenticeships or work.

The Emmbrook School CEIAG aims are:

·       To allow students to make informed and considered choices at the end of all three key stages.

·       To help and guide students to make transitions into new situations.

·       To promote self-development in students including employability skills.

·       To help students to value differences and diversity between people.

·       To raise aspirations and make students aware of opportunities available to them.

·       To provide guidance to all students in relation to decisions about options, further education and career choices, including apprenticeships.

Careers education should not just be seen as learning about jobs but also learning about work ethics, equipping students with skills (both hard and soft) for the workplace, ensuring transition occurs smoothly and helping to reduce barriers to entering the world of work.

Our careers provision at The Emmbrook is based on the GatsbyBenchmarks as recommended in the DfE’s Careers Strategy (December 2017) and the Statutory Guidance for Careers (January 2023).

School is the place where all students, whatever their family background, can get unbiased information, advice and guidance on the whole range of career pathways.” Sir John Holman /Gatsby Foundation/2018

In line with these Benchmarks, The Emmbrook supports students as follows:

·       Assemblies led by local employers, former students and career experts

·       Year 10 Careers Days 

·       Attendance at local Careers Fayre

·       Year 10 Experience of the Workplace

·       Year 9 Options Evening

·       Year 7-13 Tutor Programme

·       Career insight talks – All students will receive at least one face to face session with a qualified ADVIZA Careers Advisor by Year 11

·       Support with employability skills

·       Mock interviews

·       Impartial information on Post 16 and Post 18 career options.

All students in Year 10 will write a CV which local employees will read and feedback on via our external Careers experts.  Our advice to students to make your personal statement/ CV stand out is to ensure that they have studied around their subjects.  They are directed to the online resources such as Unifrog/e-CLIPS and sites such as Berkshire Opportunities where they can gain invaluable Careers and Training knowledge.

Sixth Form students are guided closely for university application or vocational opportunities.

Our careers programme is regularly reviewed to ensure that students are given the right guidance and support in an ever-changing society as well as changes in statutory guidance.  This programme is currently under review. (Summer 2023)

The careers programme, is evaluated both by the Assistant Headteacher and Careers Coordinator, using teacher and student feedback.

The ADVIZA service in school is monitored and measured using questionnaires and at annual review meetings.

The impact of careers events and activities is measured using student and parent/carer feedback. Results are shared and published as appropriate.

The careers programme is assessed using the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool.


The Emmbrook Student Career Pack

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(Date of next Review:  July 2023)

We also use the services of independent careers specialists who can offer individual guidance for students and advise them on the range of opportunities available post-16 and post-18.  

All students in years 11, 12 and 13 are offered a careers interview.  Some students in other year groups may also benefit from individual specialist careers advice.

Please contact the school if you would like to know more about the career advice and guidance options available for your child.


Unifrog is a user-friendly platform which shares the mission to help students find their future.  Unifrog contains all the available information in one platform to help students make the best choices.  We launched Unifrog in July 2023 for Year 12 students who have started using Unifrog to consider post-18 options.  We aim to launch Unifrog to all other year groups over the coming year.  They will be able to log and track all Career-related work and activities throughout the course of their time at The Emmbrook School.

We also use the services of independent careers specialists who can offer individual guidance for students and advise them on the range of opportunities available post-16 and post-18.  

All students in years 11, 12 and 13 are offered a careers interview.  Some students in other year groups may also benefit from individual specialist careers advice.

Please contact the school if you would like to know more about the career advice and guidance options available for your child.

What do employers want video

Are you work ready? Video

B Martins
Careers Lead

Tel:  0118 978 4406

Policy Statement on Provider Access


T Levels

Higher technical Qualification

For more detailed information on education and training choices:

National careers service

Institute for apprenticeships

Useful information: Equality for disabled people

Learn at Scope: employment support eLearning

Scope advice and support work-careers

Access to Work – get support if you have a disability or health condition

Employers that have signed up to the Disability Confident scheme

National Autistic Society Employment 


National Autistic Society employment-webinar

Employment Autism 

Ambitious about Autism  Join the Employ Autism network

Wokingham Borough

Reading Voluntary Action

Royal Berkshire Hospital Volunteering    

Volunteer at the world famous Reading Festival

Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology

Ahead of National Apprenticeship Week 5-11 of February

Adviza - Parent Webinar: Apprenticeships

For Help and Information


Apprenticeship information Free online resources. These are links to independent providers and therefore if you come across any issues you should contact the provider directly

Apprenticeships, Jobs, Reviews & Careers Advice For School & College Leavers

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE) occupational maps show where technical education can lead.

Find an apprenticeship GOV.UK


Become an apprentice: How apprenticeships work - GOV.UK (

Employing an architecture apprentice

The Parent Perspective Podcast – Amazing Apprenticeships resources for parents

The British Army: Apprenticeships & Scholarships

Virgin Media apprenticeships

Microsoft Apprenticeship Network  

Apprenticeship Opportunities in Real Estate with CBRE  

Labour Market Information - Course Pilot Find out how much jobs are paid and the growth in employment that they are predicted for each

Careers, Employment and Employability Skills Tools - Free online resources. These are links to independent providers and therefore if you come across any issues you should contact the provider directly

Get Ready for Your Career - Video

Child employment GOV.UK

Wizeup financial education and employability resources  

MyPerfectResume - CVs, Covering Letters (builders and templates)

Future Learn CV Review Applicant Tracking System (ATS) AI to score CVs used by employers to shortlist applications

Labour Market Information - Course Pilot - Find out how much jobs are paid and the growth in employment that are predicted for different sectors

Careers Games - Free online resources. These are links to independent providers and therefore if you come across any issues you should contact the provider directly.

  • Interactive Construction Site

Try out our interactive construction site to discover different construction roles. Design your explorers, give them a name, and get started!


  • The Way Up

An innovative new game that helps students make better, more informed choices about their future! Funded by The Department for Education, it provides up-to-date information on the long-term outcomes of education and career choices.

At the end of the ten turns, players will be able to compare their 'final scores' as measured by Happiness and Income.

Play Out Your Future

 WizeUp Financial Education charity supports students, parents and teachers by making financial and employability learning more accessible and to encourage a more active learning of the subject.

Wizeup Quizzes