Computer Science
Welcome to Computer Science
Who We Are
- Mr E Kalatzis (Curriculum Leader)
- Mrs L Panesar - Assistant Headteacher
- Mrs R Moorcroft
- Mrs T Muszka
- Mrs P Chillarigae
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Here the aim of the curriculum is to introduce the subject of computer science and to ensure that the year 7 students are safe and responsible when accessing the internet services. All students will learn about e-safety, the effective way of searching the web, they will have an introduction to modelling and making predictions using spreadsheets and underpinning the whole curriculum will be the use of Microsoft Office as the students will be using word, publisher and powerpoint to present their work.
Year 8: In year 8 students deepen their understanding of computer science starting with an introduction to computer hardware and the binary number system and then moving on to a command based programming language - Small Basic and finally they will be developing an understanding of databases and the importance of data in computing.
Year 9: In year 9 we work on the more advanced topics of Cyber Security Computer Hardware, Python programming, Computer Networks, developing for the web and multimedia design some students may also learn about artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
Examination Board: OCR
Technical computing and programming skills are in short supply in the UK. This specification has been developed in conjunction with Universities and will equip the student with the problem solving and technical development skills required in today’s workplace. You will be learning programming skills, developing your research capabilities and working through the important elements of computing theory. In doing this you will understand what is expected in the software development profession. An interest in the working of computers and in software development is essential to this course. The ability to independently tackle a research project is also desirable.
Year 10
In the first year students will be learning about data representation, systems architecture, primary and secondary storage, network basics, algorithms and computational logic and programming techniques. When programming this will be taught in a practical environment and students will be able to progress at their own rate. The three main constructs of sequence, selection and iteration will be embedded by the end of year 10 and students will program using a wide range of tasks and techniques. In the main the students will use Python but we can accommodate other languages including C#, Java and Visual Basic.
Year 11
In year 11 students will learn about system software, network topologies, protocols and layers, program translators, modular program design, integrated development environments, SQL, boolean logic and ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns. Practical programming will continue and students will develop their skills through programming projects.
Click on the Learning Journeys for further details.
Assessment: Two examined units each worth 50%
Progression: You can study Computer Science A-Level or an ICT level 3 course.
January 2022