Interhouse Dodgeball - Results!
The 2019 Inter-house dodgeball event was a huge success this term with nearly 150 students, from all year groups, including staff and Sixth form competing in the tournament. Well done to all those involved who earned house points for their team. It is clear to see that a lot of fun was had by all.
Inter-house dodgeball results 2019
Monday 4th March saw the Y8’s kick off the tournament. They turned up raring to go and had the 2nd highest number of competitors out of all year groups. GO YEAR 8! It was especially great to see so many girls turn up and give the boys a run for their money.
Y8 results:
- 1st – JUPITER
- 2nd – VENUS
- 3rd – SATURN
- 4th - MERCURY
Tuesday 5th March then saw the Y9’s take over. With nearly 30 students competing, every house was well represented. Shout out to Paige Hopkins for being the only girl in Y9 to compete. What a fantastic role model for International Women’s Day.
Y9 results:
- 1st – SATURN
- 2nd – MERCURY
- 3rd – JUPITER
- 4th – VENUS
Thursday 5th March then saw a disappointing turn out by Y10. Perhaps they were all too caught up in World Book Day. Since only 2 boys attended, the results were as follows:
Y10 results:
- 1st – JUPITER
- 1st - SATURN
- 3rd – MERCURY
- 3rd - VENUS
Friday 6th March finally saw the eager and by now impatient Y7’s compete in their first dodgeball tournament. Another shout out goes to Tia Somerville for representing the girls on International Women’s Day. The Y7’s had the highest number of competitors across all year groups and looked like they were having the most fun.
Y7 results
- 1st - MERCURY
- 2nd - JUPITER
- 3rd - SATURN
- 4th - VENUS
Monday 11th March then saw the turn of 6th Form and Staff. Our older students couldn’t wait to hit the teachers but of course, the feeling wasn’t mutual, or was it? A fantastic turn out from our best role models in school resulted in a shocking outcome given that Venus had the least amount of participants and Saturn the most.
6th form and staff results:
- 1st – VENUS
- 2nd – MERCURY
- 3rd – JUPITER
- 4th - SATURN
Finally, Tuesday 12th March saw Y11 step up to the plate. 5 of our very best dodgeball players turned up and proved why everyone else may have been scared to play against them.
Y11 results:
- 1st – JUPITER
- 2nd – SATURN
- 3rd – MERCURY
- 4th – VENUS
The overall results are therefore as follows… BRING ON NEXT YEARS TOURNAMENT ALREADY!
1st JUPITER (11 points in total)
2nd SATURN (14 points in total)
3rd MERCURY (16 points in total)
4th VENUS (19 points in total)